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Superhuman indeed!

Zainab Ebrahim

Updated: Jan 14, 2021

Hey beautiful people,

I thought I would share an excerpt from my first speech at Toastmasters. The experience was an exciting and memorable one. The reason I decided to join with my business partner Marwaan, was to improve our public speaking skills as the goal is to facilitate workshops soon. We have the knowledge and content and require some practice in presenting, with the aim of promoting self-love and healing across the world.

To give you some context, your first speech, is called the Ice Breaker, which is about yourself. The idea is that this speech should be easier to start off with, as the content is familiar, given that you are speaking about yourself.

My speech title: Superhumans indeed!

So here goes….

…For most of my life I have been a people’s pleaser, playing the role of superhuman.

My roles as superhuman included playing the role as super daughter, trying to do everything to please my parents. Super business woman, co-running a successful retail business, for many years, for my Dad😊(Love you lots Dad). I’ve also played the role of super Mom, being the best Mom, I could possibly be. You know the house all the kids wanted to come over and play at, and never want to leave. With homemade treats on standby. I also played the role of super domesticated diva. The house that was always clean, with everything in its place. I was working during the day, seeing to the kids and a hot tasty home cooked meal at the end of the day, in true super Mom style. Playing the role of super daughter in law, hosting dinner parties for 20 plus people, sometimes twice in a month and dealing with the aftermath afterwards. Always willing to do everything for everyone else.

Until one day… I collapsed. I was physically and emotionally depleted. The best way to describe myself, was like that of a shell. And if you can imagine a shell, it’s so beautiful on the outside yet empty on the inside. I had the house, the car, the beautiful family, the business, money, all external, and yet on the inside I felt so empty.

Being diagnosed with full blown anxiety, with my organs functioning at the capacity of an 80 year old, was what the doctor said. It was so bad that he only shared this with me, once the treatment started working and the anxiety subsided. And the truth is I knew this, I could feel it. For those that have not experienced anxiety, its feels like your heart is about to jump out of your chest. Your mind is so busy, riddled with fear, fear of the future, fear of what are people going to say. You are literally stuck. And when you are not in a good state mentally, your body follows accordingly, and you feel drained, weak, sad and lost.

As shocking as that experience was, it has also been my greatest gift. For had that not happened I would not have had the wake up call I needed, that something has to change. I don’t believe in coincidences and as I like to call it, rather, God Instances, where things fall into place exactly as it should.

So, at the right time, my friend, Naeema Ganie, gave me a book to read, called The Journey, by Brandon bays. For those that are not familiar, with Brandon Bays, I will share her story some other time. If you’re an avid reader like me, then I would recommend it, as a great read and lots to learn too.

After reading the book, I realised that I needed to find a Journey practitioner. There is obviously a reason I have experienced this, and I needed to find out why. I was very blessed that The Journey practitioner I ended up at, Marlene Wilson, was also a Life coach and that experience changed my life completely.

Through letting go of all that never was me, I found myself. I fell in-love with myself for the very first time. I realised my worth, my pure magnificence, my true value, within me. I promise you it’s an awesome place to be. I felt whole and complete for the first time in my life.

Through this Journey I have grown so much, finding my truth, finding my passion in life, by finding me.

I have since been certified as a Journey Practitioner, and a certified Life coach.

After realising that there are so many people, going through what I have been through, I was inspired to follow my truth and purpose. My purpose of promoting self-love and healing, globally. To reach as many people as possible, by offering workshops and talks. Marwaan and I are very aligned in terms of our goals and purpose, hence partnering up. We believe that everything you need you already possess. That there is nothing to fix, only the power inside to set free.

You see, I am no longer searching for something outside of myself but rather finding it within me. So, with huge shifts in your thinking, comes huge changes and I am the happiest I have ever been. I smile now, not to put up a façade that, I am happy, but rather it comes so naturally to me to smile because it comes from within me.

There is a saying, that goes: When you crack an egg from the outside, life ends. When you crack an egg from the inside, life begins. I understand that to mean, that when you live your life from the inside out, your life begins.

I now truly believe I am superhuman, not by the external things in my life, but rather the realization that we are all magnificent human beings, coming from a source so divine, so powerful, that we cannot fool ourselves into believing that we are not just that, amazingly powerful, awe inspiring, magnificent, superhumans indeed.

Thanks for reading. I pray this inspires you to live life to the fullest, always.

Much love


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Marwaan Fredericks

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Zainab Ebrahim

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